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We are consistently voted "The Best Kosher Caterer" by local JTNews readers. Since my Orthodox conversion 18 years ago, I am dedicated to elevating the expectations consumers have about kosher food. The community has been supportive of my catering service in a way that goes beyond business as usual.

It is my good fortune to be from Seattle, a city renown for its foodies and eclectic social conscience. Within this Jewish community, we have a long-standing Ashkenazi and Separdi blend of food and ritual. I learn from some of the best Jewish mothers in the city ~ young and old! Through the pages of this website and over time, I look forward to expanding my own learning of the foods Jews eat; classic and trendy, vegetarian and vegan, gluten-free and dairy free.....and, all kosher.

Feeding a community

All aspects of Jewish life are expressed with food, both traditional and trendy. Kashrut adds layers of holiness and meaning. Join me in a community of Jewish cooks who are excited to share their regional specialties and global perspectives on food in a Jewish context. Become a Supporting Member ~ its' FREE! Build your profile, share your recipes and feel free to contact me with questions, requests and comments. 

May we all be blessed for the love we share through food ~ Leah


Homeward Bound
Posted: February 13, 2011

Our group toured to Ubud, a popular tourist destination touted to be a bit more artistic than the local beach scene. I don't first glance I thought Park City, Utah or Lahaina, Hawaii - but, it really was just another mass of tourists fighting broken narrow sidewalks risking their lives to get to the other side of the street. I should be more positive but how much shopping can people do? There was one incredible experience to be had: a massage in the most fabulous setting.

Bali - massage

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The Bali Group
Posted: February 8, 2011

I've been in Bali for a week and have left the hotel ONCE! This is odd but I've been in seminar from 10:00 until 6:00 pm. I refuse to go out in the dark and since I'm keeping kosher, I don't have any reason to run around looking for places to eat.

 Bali - Karen

Karen from Australia

I did join the group for an all day excursion up into the center of the Island. I didn't quite have the same experience as the others as I didn't feel comfortable taking part in a blessing ritual and a dip in the 'mikveh' followed by another blessing ritual performed by a Balinese high priest. I find that the ritual practice of Judaism is elegant and need for spiritual sightseeing. So, I spent considerable time wandering the small village and wandering the temple compound. Bali is a 3rd world country so, despite its mystery and intrigue, poverty is prevalent and it feels ostentatious to even walk about.

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Bali Massage
Posted: February 6, 2010

Once again I'm perched on the balcony overlooking the hotel lobby so I may access the Internet. It is almost 7:00 pm, dark seeps through the window and I dare not go out. A week in Bali and I can't do it. I tried it last night, venturing over to the spa for a massage. Winding my way through the grounds to the particular building housing the spa, I marvel at both the scenery and the fact that I've been here a week and have not ventured very far. I'm too afraid. This is a clearing in the jungle.

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Bali in Service
Posted: February 6, 2011

It is the rainy season in Bali, La Nina wrecks havoc on Australia and we are to the northwest catching torrential rainfall. It is fine with me as I'm pretty much in a seminar room all day. Here, near the equator, the days and nights are fairly split. I'm not big on going out at night in the tropics, being a particular delicacy for mosquitoes. And, as far as being a party girl, kosher caterer is about as fun as I get!

Bali - offering

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The Rambam and Martin Buber
Posted: February 3, 2011

Entering the cholent competition last month at shul, I was asked what I would bring with me if I were stuck on a deserted island. Other contestants thought iPad and Smart Phones. Hmm, I said 'tongs', as it is stated in Pirkei Avot, you need tongs to make tongs. We'll if I'm going to touch anything on a deserted island, I wanted tongs. Besides, I didn't even remember to bring a power adapter to Bali.

Bali - Statue at airport

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About Leah

Hi! Thank you for stopping by to watch me, Leah, cook kosher. I've been the owner operator of my boutique catering firm in Seattle, Leah's Catering, for the past 14 years.

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