Aviva Makes Aliyah and The Sandwich Generation It has been far too long since I've written. Thank you to all of you who continue to find usefulness in the recipes I've included in this sadly neglected website. Much has changed since I started this blog four years ago with an accelerated pace these past twelve months. The intensity of life really begins eighteen months ago with the closing of Noshaway Catering. We've lost another caterer this past year. My preference is to be thought of as "the best", "the one who knocks herself out"- "the last and only resort" loses the allure of a reputation built over seventeen years. "The last woman standing" - barely. It's been an insanely busy year - oh, I always forget to add, "Thank G-d!" ![]() Aviva and Selfie at the Airport I know that I'm not the only one out there with kids; with all that kids come with - the hard, the harder and the oh-so-worth-the-effort. Most of you don't know that I'm divorced and have spent the better part of thirty-two years doing single or shared parenting. I became an empty-nester this past month and I'm not sure I know what to make of it - it being my life! That said, it really isn't my future life choices that have preoccupied my hours. I'm a member of the 'sandwich generation' - squished between the possibilities of a daughter making her way and the inevitability of a mother with stage 6 Alzheimer's. ![]() Aviva on Her Way to Tel Aviv Aviva expressed an interest in joining the IDF a year ago. She finished her certificate program in film editing and announced that she still wanted to join the IDF and time was ticking....and rockets were dropping this past summer. I'm a believer in "one life" certainty and the need to follow one's dream. I just didn't realize that my daughter harbored the heart and soul of a warrior with the desire to defend Israel. Lone Soldier versus Aliyah - we couldn't decide on which or how to go about it. Aviva simply asked me to buy her a ticket and she'd figure it out in Tel Aviv. With papers in order, a plane ticket, and a matching set of luggage (her sister Rebekah asks what happened to the duffel bag and backpack!), I took Aviva to the airport at 3:00 am. We talked the hours before she left - I couldn't see sleeping the last few hours I'd have Aviva home. It wasn't the same as sending a kid off to college for a few months at a time. This was it - open ended plans to the other side of the world. I don't deny that I spent the week crying, and that morning bawling! What has transpired since her departure has been a flurry of texts regarding where she was sleeping, and more importantly, what she is eating - or not eating. Emoticons weren't really expressive of missing me; they were of missing fried rice, stir frys, and my latkes. Stints at the Hostel, roaming Tel Aviv, busing to her Uncle, Aunt and cousins, visiting old NCSY friends, friends from Seattle and making contacts with Nefesh b'Nefesh, The Lone Soldier Center, her stepmother's friend - and, all the helpful Israelis on "Secret Tel Aviv" has enabled Aviva to establish herself. As she wrote, "I never thought I'd start 2015 in a penthouse sublet in Tel Aviv!" She's submitted her paperwork for the aliyah process, started Hebrew language lessons and is in search of a gym. Meanwhile, she's been using my website to start cooking the favorites she loves. She has told me that the website needs serious updating......I can only hope for the time; 2015 is going to be another busy year (Thank G-d!). ![]() What mother wouldn't be flattered that her daughter shows an interest in her recipes? These are Aviva's latkes which she made for Chanukah. Below is the stir fry requiring the purchase of a new pan, along with hunting for fresh vegetables. Yes, Aviva - you aren't in Kansas or Seattle anymore; you're in the land of milk and honey. ![]() Be well, be safe - we love you and we are so proud of you! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Posted 01-08-2015 by Richard
I could not help but hold a tear back after reading this so very heartfelt blog entry. G-d Bless your daughter and help her in her search, while Ha'Shem may also bless you in your new life apart from her. Good luck to both of you.
I must admit this is the very first time ever I reply to a blog entry, though I have my own website at kr4zan.com, but I felt compelled to write because I often watch your show on my Roku 3, so I can pick and choose what episodes to watch. I have prepared more than a handful of your recipes, and I must say, you have helped me hone in on my homey culinary skills.
Keep up the good work and please remember that there are many people out here who, though you may not be present on the cyber cloud often, come to visit your website to look for a good nosh.
Posted 01-05-2015 by Michelle ComesLast
Mazel Tov! So happy for you and your daughter. Glad business is well. I love your posts and videos!

Hi! Thank you for stopping by to watch me, Leah, cook kosher. I've been the owner operator of my boutique catering firm in Seattle, Leah's Catering, for the past 14 years.

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