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We are consistently voted "The Best Kosher Caterer" by local JTNews readers. Since my Orthodox conversion 18 years ago, I am dedicated to elevating the expectations consumers have about kosher food. The community has been supportive of my catering service in a way that goes beyond business as usual.

It is my good fortune to be from Seattle, a city renown for its foodies and eclectic social conscience. Within this Jewish community, we have a long-standing Ashkenazi and Separdi blend of food and ritual. I learn from some of the best Jewish mothers in the city ~ young and old! Through the pages of this website and over time, I look forward to expanding my own learning of the foods Jews eat; classic and trendy, vegetarian and vegan, gluten-free and dairy free.....and, all kosher.

Feeding a community

All aspects of Jewish life are expressed with food, both traditional and trendy. Kashrut adds layers of holiness and meaning. Join me in a community of Jewish cooks who are excited to share their regional specialties and global perspectives on food in a Jewish context. Become a Supporting Member ~ its' FREE! Build your profile, share your recipes and feel free to contact me with questions, requests and comments. 

May we all be blessed for the love we share through food ~ Leah


Severe Weather Worries
Posted: April 28, 2011

It is really hard to imagine all the destruction due to weather happening these past days and weeks on the other side of the country. Between my nose to the grind and the TV off so many days, I had no idea of what was going on. Thoughts and prayers to so many out there affected by tornedos and flooding. As the ClustRmap embedded on this site receives more 'red dots' from areas hit hard, my concern becomes more personal. Here in Seattle, our hearts to go out to those mourning, those injured, those suffering material loss and those suffering mental anguish. May we all find comfort during these seemingly uncertain times.

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Passover - Done!
Posted: April 24, 2011

Passover looms ahead once December rolls around. Menus, estimated numbers, and the game plan are pretty much completed by the start of the secular year. January and February plod along with their deep winter sleepy schedules. A few weeks out from Purim, the anxiousness starts to creep in and Passover begins to press harder against my consciousness.

Passover - dining room

This year, just for fun, I added 2 catering events to the schedule a week before Passover. The final phase of this website is due to launch and I needed more cash to cover the programming. I'll be the first to admit that possibly, just possibly, I over did it. But, here we are on the other side of the craziness and I'm alive to report the detail. Today, I finished up things in the kitchen for tomorrow's matzoh ball contest. While I was doing that, the rest of the Passover cooking equipment went back into hibernation.

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Happy Passover ~ yep, 6 more days!!!
Posted: April 20, 2011 pm

I can't believe I didn't send an email blast wishing everyone a happy and kosher Passover. Luckily, luckily, we here far beyond the borders of the Holy Land have SIX, count 'em, more days of Passover. So, I can still wish everyone who has been logging on to the site a very happy, hopefully restful remainder of the holiday. I know that many are fortunate enough not to have to work during chol hamoed. I know because I get to see about 800 of your faces for meals Thursday and Friday while I'm working. I'm looking forward to a fun time. Seriously, the tough days are behind me....the rest is a good time. 

Frank and Rabbi Aryeh

Frank and Rabbi Aryeh (less stressed last summer)

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Spring is in the Air
Posted: April 11, 2011

Spring is in the air. I took notice the other morning when I woke with my eyes swollen, throat closed, chest and sinuses congested. It's Passover in Seattle, a little later this year than usual. This poses some significant challenges for me. Basically, I'm allergic to most foods with wheat, dairy, soy and especially eggs. I don't have the discipline to stop eating such things so I get by with 24 hour allergy tablets and topical cortizone. Passover cooking and baking, especially in huge quantities, is all about eggs and at Hillel, matzoh meal....and, chocolate. I've no problems with chocolate.

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Sharon Hammel, Rest in Peace
Posted: April 4, 2011

Yesterday, at the start of cleaning for Passover, my sister Jeanette calls. With her 'hello', I can tell something is very wrong. It's a call she says she doesn't want to make but thinks I'd be interested to know that her friend Sharon has died in a house fire. I'm at a loss of what to think. Sometimes I'm tired of thinking. I hardly know what to say to my sister as I feel her pain and grief from 100 miles away. Sometimes I'm tired of talking. It takes me longer to feel. With the Passover work party assembled behind me, I put aside the thoughts and feelings. I have to work, my usual escape. Until this morning.

Sharon - Baking

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About Leah

Hi! Thank you for stopping by to watch me, Leah, cook kosher. I've been the owner operator of my boutique catering firm in Seattle, Leah's Catering, for the past 14 years.

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