Over the years, cookbook resources are inspirational for both my catered events and private meals. After converting, The Spice and Spirit Cookbook became the go to volume for recipes and general reading about holidays and halacha. When unfamiliar with a particular specialty, I know that I can find a traditional recipe that is tried and true. Indeed, this book is the backbone of the bakery items we sell over the years. Challah, kugels, rugelach all had their beginnings in The Spice and Spirit Cookbook.
Only books which I own and highly regard will make this list. Many of my copies are so battered and worn I'm happy to see them available on Amazon.com, used or new so I can replace them. In compiling this list, I note how many I purchased in the late 1990's and how few I've added since. At some point, it is only necessary to blend and adapt this or that to create something with a twist of originality. However, I commit to staying current and have a number of new books to try. Watch for these new additions to the library.
Over time I'll review these books and list my favorite recipes from the volume. I include cookbooks that are new releases, Jewish classics and other favorites. At times, frustrated by skipping over all the treif recipes in non-kosher cookbooks, I'm tempted to rely only on the kosher books. However, there are fun and tasty recipes to glean from other books so I include them here. I also have some old classics from the 1960's, like the McCall's Cookbook, that contain timeless classics suitable for the kosher cook.
Feel free to share your favorite books and recipes with me. I'm always up for trying something new!

Hi! Thank you for stopping by to watch me, Leah, cook kosher. I've been the owner operator of my boutique catering firm in Seattle, Leah's Catering, for the past 14 years.