Recipes are sorted by the categories below. Click on any listing and you'll be linked to thumbnail photos of the original posting and the recipe title. Click on the title and you'll find the recipe and step-by-step instructions.
Recipes are also sorted by other criteria as listed below. You may search by main ingredients, dietary concerns, holiday ideas, etc.
I hope you'll find this table of contents helpful. Stay tuned for new additions!
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Appetizers - Dips and Sauces
Appetizers - Starter Courses
Beverages - Cold
Breads - Yeast
Breakfast Pastries
Dessert - Frostings
Desserts - Cakes
Desserts - Cookies and Brownies
Desserts - Dairy
Desserts - Pareve
Desserts - Pies and Tarts
Desserts - Tea Breads, Quick Breads
Desserts and Baked Goods - Gluten Free
Main Dish - Beef
Main Dish - Dairy
Main Dish - Eggs and Fritattas
Main Dish - Fish
Main Dish - Poultry
Main Dish - Vegetarian and Vegan
Salads - Dressing
Salads - Fruit
Salads - Grains & Legumes
Salads - Green
Salads - Pasta and Rice
Salads - Potatoes and Eggs
Salads - Vegetable
Side Dishes - Kugels and Souffles
Side Dishes - Potatoes and Vegetables
Side Dishes - Rice, Grains and Pasta
Soups, Stews and Cholent

Hi! Thank you for stopping by to watch me, Leah, cook kosher. I've been the owner operator of my boutique catering firm in Seattle, Leah's Catering, for the past 14 years.