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Technical Difficulties
Posted: October 25, 2011 By: Leah Jaffee

Just as everyone is scrambling to get a routine back after the holidays...or challah-daze, I am happy to report that I feel human again. Short work weeks and lots of cooking, LOTS of cooking, left me wondering where I was before the madness started. Taking stock of the unopened mail, unpaid bills, proposals sitting waiting to be done all the while juggling the 5 events I have this week, part of me wants to go back to bed.

Staying up until 2:30 am Monday morning, I do triage on the pressures pulling me all directions. Taxes and balancing accounts first, with Hillel expenses categorized, I can focus. My training at Nordstrom back in the day includes learning that balanced accounts clear the mind. Confirming details of my events this week, I know what I'm doing. What remains are proposals for January through June.....I need another week!

The website has suffered a bit through neglect. Not enough hours in a day, not enough days, my photo files sit waiting for me to upload recipes. I'll try to get one up next. I'm having some glitch uploading photos into the blog....hence, I've been quiet on the blog front for a few weeks. Got my guy on it now.

Working through my list, I know I'll be relieved when caught up.

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