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We are consistently voted "The Best Kosher Caterer" by local JTNews readers. Since my Orthodox conversion 18 years ago, I am dedicated to elevating the expectations consumers have about kosher food. The community has been supportive of my catering service in a way that goes beyond business as usual.

It is my good fortune to be from Seattle, a city renown for its foodies and eclectic social conscience. Within this Jewish community, we have a long-standing Ashkenazi and Separdi blend of food and ritual. I learn from some of the best Jewish mothers in the city ~ young and old! Through the pages of this website and over time, I look forward to expanding my own learning of the foods Jews eat; classic and trendy, vegetarian and vegan, gluten-free and dairy free.....and, all kosher.

Feeding a community

All aspects of Jewish life are expressed with food, both traditional and trendy. Kashrut adds layers of holiness and meaning. Join me in a community of Jewish cooks who are excited to share their regional specialties and global perspectives on food in a Jewish context. Become a Supporting Member ~ its' FREE! Build your profile, share your recipes and feel free to contact me with questions, requests and comments. 

May we all be blessed for the love we share through food ~ Leah


Tu B'shevat Menu Ideas
Posted: January 17, 2011

This Thursday is Tu B'shevat, the day that marks the new year of the trees fruit-bearing cycle in the Holy Land. The internet has many resources for learned and detailed information on the holiday. As with all things Jewish, there are so many layers of meaning to derive from study. Reflecting on the passage "Man is like a tree of the field" (Deuteronomy 20:19), we have yet another opportunity to consider our personal tree of life. How strong are our roots, how do our branches reach toward our potential and what fruit do we bear over the seasons?

Tu B'shevat Olives

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The Supreme Lucrisia Sisters (and mom)
Posted: January 4, 2011

It is often said that time goes by faster as one gets older. No kidding! It isn’t just that it is 2011. The hours, days and weeks pass so quickly that before I know it, I’m spending New Year’s Day closing my business books. This year, Shabbat saved me from celebrating in such a dismal fashion. My sister Leilani came down on Sunday and we blew through everything. Balancing the check register, W-2’s, 1099’s, Labor and Industries, Employment Security, 940 and 941……NEXT!!! I even got new file folders, crisp and anal as only someone related to me could do.

My sisters

Saying 'aloha' to my father, zt"l (1998)


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About Leah

Hi! Thank you for stopping by to watch me, Leah, cook kosher. I've been the owner operator of my boutique catering firm in Seattle, Leah's Catering, for the past 14 years.

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