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Deep Fried Smashed Fingerling Potatoes

The idea of smashing boiled potatoes and then deep frying them has been around for a bit. Susie Fishbein has a recipe in her newest book, Kosher By Design Teens and 20-somethings where she sprinkles dried rosemary on the finsihed product. I'm using fingerling potatoes as an appetizer dipper for herbed sour cream. These are simple to make and a great alternative to frying latkes. Plus, they are gluten-free, egg-free, and dairy-free if you use an imitation sour cream. I've used deep fried shallot and leek as an edible garnish.

Oh, and 'smashed' doesn't mean blunt force trauma. Romance it!

Kosher Status: Parve
Number of servings: 12
Main Ingredient(s): Fingerling Potatoes
Preparation Time: 00:20
Cooking Time: 00:50
Skill Level: 1 - Easy (1 Easy - 5 Hard)
Estimated POINT value:


  1. 2 pounds fingerling potatoes
  2. 1 shallot
  3. 1 leek
  4. Oil for frying
  5. Salt and Pepper to taste


Wash potatoes and place in pot. Cover with lightly salted water and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat and gently boil until bamboo skewer tender.

When potatoes are tender (but not mushy!), remove and drain on paper towels. I've thinly sliced my leek and shallot. Drain on paper towels as well.

Gently smash the cooked potato with the bottom of something flat. We just want to break the skin and flatten the potato a bit. Too much pressure and we'll be moving along to a mashed potato recipe!

Heat 2" of frying oil in a heavy skillet or pot. Fry potatoes 6 - 8 at a time until they become lightly golden brown around the split edges. Apparently, this is where Kathy came into the kitchen looking for her sufganiya and I've neglected to take a picture.

Carefully remove the potatoes and fry in batches until the remainder are finished. Follow by gently lowering the leek and shallot rings into the oil. Fry them until they are just golden brown. They cook quickly and will keep cooking for a few seconds when removed from the oil. So don't let them burn up or you'll need 2 shallot and 2 leeks for this recipe.

That's it. Done. Easy. Arrange potatoes on a platter, saving the best for the top and the part that shows, and then garnish with leek and shallot rings. Sprinkle with crushed fresh herbs if you like. Add a bowl of sour cream and you have a fresh take on latkes.

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Deep Fried Smashed Fingerling Potatoes

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