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Harvest Zucchini Bread

I have a half dozen tea bread recipes to upload. I like tea breads as they aren't heavily frosted and they are perfect with a cup of tea. I also make them pareve so they go with everything. My friend Susan Marshall has always been a big fan of my zucchini bread. A shout-out to her daughter-in-law Ruthie; you need to make this for Susan!

Over the years, I come to know my customers and their food preferences and allergies. No fish, no nuts, no diary, no pitted fruits, no.....kidding! It gets tough sometimes especially with more and more vegans entering the picture. So, when I make something I know someone likes, especially a friend such as Susan, I have to drop a treat by the house.

Susan told me a very moving story. She used to share her zucchini bread with a terminal patient of hers. At the end, zucchini bread is what the young woman wanted. Personally, I think it less about the actual zucchini bread but more about Susan's genuine caring nature. Food does have a way of expressing love and compassion. I always think of this story when I make this recipe.

Kosher Status: Parve
Number of servings: 8 - 12
Main Ingredient(s):
Preparation Time: 00:20
Cooking Time: 00:50
Skill Level: 1 - Easy (1 Easy - 5 Hard)
Estimated POINT value:
Average Rating: 1/5


  • 2 eggs
  • 2/3 cups canola oil
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 cup grated zucchini
  • 2 cups flour
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon


Preheat the oven to 350' degrees (or, a little less if your oven runs hot).

Grate zucchini and set aside. Note that I was making 12 loaves when I took these pictures.

In a mixing bowl, combine the eggs, oil, vanilla and sugar. Beat until light and fluffy.

Add the grated zucchini and mix just until combined.

Combine the dry ingredients and whisk to blend.

Add the dry ingredients to the mixing bowl. Mix until blended, about 1 minute.

Spray the loaf pan with non-stick spray. Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan.

Bake until golden brown, about 50 minutes. The top will spring back when gently pressed down.

Cool. Remove from the pan and slice to serve.

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Karen: I was looking for something to make for the kids to snack on for Shabbos. I thought I would try this recipe. My kids are young so I decided to make it more kid friendly. I added a cup of chocolate chips and baked it in muffin tins. The kids just gobbled them up! Normally they wouldn't touch zucchini, but these came out amazing! I had some extra time and seeing that these were a hit, I made another batch, but substituted the Zucchini for shredded carrots and held the chocolate chips. These too were amazing! Better than any carrot muffin recipe I've tried. Thanks, this recipe is a keeper!

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Harvest Zucchini Bread

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