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Roasted Vegetable Frittata (Kosher for Passover)

Frittatas are standbys for Passover. Easy to make, they can be dairy or pareve. We use whatever vegetables we have on hand; especially onions, leeks and roasted red peppers. This one has yellow squash, zucchini and asparagus. Basically, I take the baking pan I want to use and start to oven roast, wilt or saute vegetables. Keep adding vegetables to fill the pan halfway. We then beat enough eggs, pareve soup stock, salt, and pepper to fill the rest of the way. I use about a 1/4 cup of stock to 8 eggs. During Passover, I don't add any cake meal. If you're cooking a dairy meal, you can add milk instead of the stock and sprinkle cheese into the mixture. Pop the frittata into the oven until it sets up.


Kosher Status: Parve
Number of servings: 8' x 8' will serve 9
Main Ingredient(s): Eggs
Preparation Time: 00:30
Cooking Time: 00:20
Skill Level: 1 - Easy (1 Easy - 5 Hard)
Estimated POINT value:


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Honey: Very interested in Holiday recipes especially Passover dishes and a great non fail brisket recipe
Leah: This link sorts out many of the recipes suitable for Passover. My BBQ brisket is amazing and we make it for Passover every year. Good luck!

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Roasted Vegetable Frittata (Kosher for Passover)

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Hi! Thank you for stopping by to watch me, Leah, cook kosher. I've been the owner operator of my boutique catering firm in Seattle, Leah's Catering, for the past 14 years.

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