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Chocolate Ganache (Pareve, Dairy or Kosher for Passover)

I make this rich chocolate ganache in bulk and refrigerate it for future use. Depending on the temperature of the ganache, it can be used in many forms. For a bright shiny glaze, I nuke it for a few seconds and stir, repeating until it is a pourable consistency. The key to glazing a cake is to do it quickly and don't drag the spatula repeatedly over an area. Doing that will dull the sheen.

Whipping the ganache at room temperature will yield a spreadable filling and frosting. Left unwhipped, it can be piped into roses and other decorations. I also like to soften it and pour it into pie shells under strawberry glace filling.

I usually make this recipe pareve so I can use it for meat or dairy meals. Experiment with ganache and it will quickly become a favorite.

Oh, did I mention that we glaze our Flourless Chocolate Cake and Raspberry Truffle Cakes with this ganache at Passover? Yep, buy kosher for Passover ingredients and you have no excuse not to create fabulous desserts for seder meals. No excuse at all!

Kosher Status: Parve
Number of servings: about 3 cups, enough for an 8" or 9" cake
Main Ingredient(s): Chocolate Chips
Preparation Time: 00:20
Cooking Time: 00:20
Skill Level: 2 (1 Easy - 5 Hard)
Estimated POINT value:


  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1 pound pareve chocolate chips (or dairy if making the recipe dairy)
  • 1 1/2 cups pareve non-dairy whip 'cream', unwhipped (or heavy cream if dairy)



Place sugar and chocolate chips into a bowl. Place bowl over pot of hot water on the stove and stir until melted. Add egg yolks and vanilla. Whisk and continue to heat to 140'. This is to cook the egg yolk. Remove from the heat.

In the microwave, heat the non-dairy topping until warm. Gently whisk into the chocolate mixture until smooth. That is it, done! Set aside until ready to use. If it get too stiff to use as a glaze, you may heat it again either in the microwave or back on the stove over the pot of water. Just be sure you don't overheat or burn the ganache. A little heat goes a long way.

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Souzan: I do like this method as I prefer cooked eggs over raw eggs. It will make the ganache lighter as well. Thanks Leah!
Esther: Can I use almond milk instead of soy?
Leah: Yes, it should work out the same. That said, if you aren't using the ganache with something that has nuts, alert your guests to the almond milk. Wouldn't want someone with a nut allergy to react negatively. Thanks!
samantha: I'm not sure how to find non-dairy "whip" cream. Does the comment above mean I can just use plain almond milk?

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Chocolate Ganache (Pareve, Dairy or Kosher for Passover)

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