Please consider this your free online cookbook from Leah's Catering!
As much as I would love to share what I'm doing, I'm swamped.
Miss all of you! Thanks for using the site, XO, Leah

I've been wanting to make spring rolls for a long time. Actually, I've been wanting to make Filipino lumpia for a long time. Similar, the wrapper is different; lighter. I tried making my own but the results were not great. The recipe warned of potential cracking while rolling. Yeah, so why p... (Continue to recipe and instructions)

The name says it all; use whenever you'd like a soy based dipping sauce. Great with potstickers, egg rolls or gyoza. You can also add a little cornstarch and pour it into stir fried vegetables. It'll add a nice flavor with a slightly thickened sauce.... (Continue to recipe and instructions)

A couple of weeks ago, we started serving a 4 day marathon of meals at a local hotel. The first evening's buffet reception boasted an array of foods representing our diverse Northwest cuisine. From my urban perch, I can see Thai, Chinese, Italian, Mexican, Japanese and Indian food eateries.... (Continue to recipe and instructions)

Serving falafel last weekend to rave reviews, most guests are surprised that it tastes homemade. It should taste homemade as it is a real little red hen process to make. We do everything short of growing and harvesting the garbanzo beans. Freshly ground beans, chopped herbs, tons of onions and ... (Continue to recipe and instructions)

I enjoy this homemade cheese with Heirloom cherry tomatoes, fresh basil and a fruity olive oil drizzled on top. I've become more comfortable making this recipe so experience does help. I also tend to make it for large groups so beware, the images in the steps section are larger quantities t... (Continue to recipe and instructions)

This is our famous ginger glaze recipe which we use on both skewers or fillets of salmon. It is quick and easy, both in the prep and cooking. It is a favorite with my clients and it isn't unusual to make hundreds at a time. A chef from the Caribbean I once employed showed me the easy techni... (Continue to recipe and instructions)

I'm a recovering picky eater who survived many years on a lean diet of Coke and plain bagels. As a kid, I liked baking brownies and refrigerator cookies. Snickerdoodles never popped up on my radar until I had the bakery. Snickerdoodles are not spelled c-h-o-c-o-l-a-t-e so why bother? By request,... (Continue to recipe and instructions)

I've only made sesame balls twice in my life. Yesterday and today. I watched a video online, found a recipe in my Maui Extension Cookbook and pulled a recipe from Yeah, wish me luck just the same. 3 ingredients and I've met my nemesis.The note at the beginning of version... (Continue to recipe and instructions)

I have a half dozen tea bread recipes to upload. I like tea breads as they aren't heavily frosted and they are perfect with a cup of tea. I also make them pareve so they go with everything. My friend Susan Marshall has always been a big fan of my zucchini bread. A shout-out to her daughter-... (Continue to recipe and instructions)

This is an updated version of the salad Nicoise made in the days of the bakery. Actually, it is so transformed that it barely resembles that distant memory. Let's not indulge ourselves with the past; this salad moves forward at quite a clip. Craving a salad Nicoise for about 2 weeks, more than o... (Continue to recipe and instructions)

I love this potato salad. It is another of James McNair's, from his "Fish" cookbook. Tender new potatoes and handfuls of fresh dill scream summer time. True, it has a mayonnaise based dressing but I don't scare easy. What's mayo but oil and eggs? Most salads have oil dress... (Continue to recipe and instructions)

Back in the days of the bakery, we regularly make these muffins on Friday. The early morning crowd could hardly wait for them to come out of the oven. By mid-morning, they were usually gone.The bakery was pareve so we lots of soy milk and margarine is used. These days, butter and milk take thes... (Continue to recipe and instructions)

A customer gives me this recipe for a party. I want to go the natural peanut butter route and use one free of the added oils. I have a tough time getting these bars to get firm enough to slice until I put them into the refrigerator. This time around, I use a chunky peanut butter that some choosy mot... (Continue to recipe and instructions)

This is an updated post. It's come to light that people love and remember my lemon curd tarts. I make them both full sized and in individual smaller shapes. My original post a few years ago was made with meringue and I leave the recipe that way. Meringue and the Seattle humidity don't a... (Continue to recipe and instructions)

I love this chicken in the spring and summer. The ingredients are available kosher for Passover so it is great for a festive lunch served at room temperature. I have to call out Kedem raspberry syrup as I haven't found anything as flavorful and rich. I'm not sure that I've ever made Rasp... (Continue to recipe and instructions)

I don't have a long-winded story to accompany this recipe for my famous Raspberry Vinaigrette. We have served this from the beginning and it is our standard salad dressing at Passover. I'm calling out Kedem Raspberry Syrup on this recipe. We've made substitutions when in a pinch and noth... (Continue to recipe and instructions)

While browsing through my recipes I came across this one for classic teriyaki chicken. It is a great standby for chicken or skewered chunks of minute steak. I baked this chicken in the oven until the color is caramelized but it is fabulous cooked on the grill. As kids, going back to the ea... (Continue to recipe and instructions)

Hi! Thank you for stopping by to watch me, Leah, cook kosher. I've been the owner operator of my boutique catering firm in Seattle, Leah's Catering, for the past 14 years.

We frequently come to this website for recipes. Working from my home office, I bring what I need to the kitchen on prep days. Sometimes I forget things and it has been very handy to have so many recipes in the archives. These are my catering recipes; I'm happy to share my repertoire but mostly I... (Continue to recipe and instructions)